Adverb definition for kids

Adverb definition for kids:

Adverbs are descriptive words that are used to describe verbs. Adjectives, other adverbs, phrases, and even entire sentences can be modified by adverbs.



Adverbs are words that typically modify verbs by limiting or restricting their meaning.

Note: It is essential to position an adverb so that it is obvious which phrase or words it is modifying.


Where to Use Adverbs:

To clarify the meaning more, the adverb must be put as close to the word it modifies as feasible; otherwise, our meaning will be unclear.


Examples of adverbs:

He plays music loudly.

The verb “play” is used in this example, and the adverb “loudly” explains how the verb was performed.

She left quickly.

In this case, the verb “left” is used, and the word “quickly” describes how the action was done.


Some interesting facts about adverbs:

Not all adverbs describe how the verb has performed.

Adverbs can also tell you when, where, how often, and how much a verb occurs.

  1. How:

How did she cook?

She cooked quickly

  1. When:

When did he run?

He ran happily.

  1. Where:

Where did he run?

He ran slowly.

  1. How often:

How often does he run?

He ran daily.


Adverbs can be combined with adjectives as well as other adverbs.

Adding -ly to a word is the most frequent method to create an adverb. If the adjective already ends in -y, the -y is generally dropped and replaced with -i.



Adjective Adverbs
Interesting interestingly
Heavy Heavily
Unnecessary unnecessarily


Points to remember:

Put your adverbs near the topic they’re modifying and far away from the topic they’re not.




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