Definition of prepositions and examples

Definition of prepositions and examples:

A preposition is a word that is used before a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun to connect it to another word in grammar.


A function word that, when used with a noun phrase, creates a sentence that expresses a change or a prediction.

Let’s look at some common examples of prepositions in the sentences below.

  1. She slipped into the pool. “In” is the preposition here.
  2. He drove fast down the road. “Down” is the preposition here.
  3. His cat jumped over the bed. The word “over” is a preposition.
  4. Some prepositions, like ‘out of’, are made up of more than one word.

Types of prepositions:

There are eight types of prepositions.

  1. Simple Preposition.
  2. Compound Preposition.
  3. Double Preposition.
  4. Disguised Preposition.
  5. Phrasal Preposition.
  6. Detached Preposition
  7. Participle Preposition.
  8. Appropriate Preposition.

1.Simple Preposition:

Simple prepositions are short words that are used in brief and simple phrases.


By, for, at, from, in, of, off, into, on, out, till, over, upon, under, with, down, and so on. Here are some examples of simple prepositions used in these statements:.

  1. Sister is preparing a meal in the kitchen.
  2. You are not coming with us.

2. Compound Preposition:

Compound Prepositions are formed by joining the prepositions in a phrase before the noun, pronoun, adjective, and adverb.

Examples include words like among, across, before, alongside, within, outside, without, and so on.

  • Preposition with Noun:

A noun or pronoun must always come after a preposition. As a result, a noun is the preposition’s object.

Example of a preposition with the noun.

  1. Ayaan is standing beside Urooj in the classroom.

Preposition with Adjective:

Some prepositions are used as adjective complements. These types of prepositions are always placed after the adjective, usually followed by a noun.

Example of a Preposition with an Adjective.

My relationship with Mary is wonderful.

Preposition with Verb:

A figurative phrase in which a verb and a preposition are combined to generate a new verb with a different meaning is known as a prepositional verb.

Example of a Preposition with a Verb:

I agree with you 100%.

3. Double Preposition:

With a few key differences, it’s comparable to the idea of a compound proposition. A double preposition is a concept which a new prepositional word is made by combining two fundamental prepositions into a single word. It links nouns, pronouns, and the phrase in a sentence by connecting two prepositional words.

For Examples:

Into, inside, onto, upon, up to, out of, without, from behind, within.

  1. They are running out of time.
  2. He solved seven puzzles out of ten.


4. Disguised Prepositions:

Disguised prepositions are prepositions that are not directly utilized in sentences, but are used in a disguised manner. Their abbreviated versions are utilized.


  1. He gets extra to pay once a week, a day.
  2. She donates $5 a day.
  3. The hunter wanted to start shooting.

5. Phrasal prepositions or Prepositional phrases:

They are sets of words or phrases that connect a noun, pronoun, or phrase to the rest of the sentence. By merging together as a unit, these clusters of words represent a single concept.

The following words belong to the Phrasal Prepositions category:

In addition to, for the moment, using, in love with, despite, for a while, according to, In the end, owing to, on account of, in favor of, etc.

Examples of phrasal prepositions in sentences:

In any case: he wants me there. In any case, I don’t want to go because I don’t feel comfortable. In this example, the group of words ‘in any case’ is joining the two sentences with each other and is a phrase.

His property will be donated to an NGO according to his last day’s wish.

According to the group of words, ‘according to’ is also a phrase, and likewise, “in any case” both work as a preposition. Hence, these are phrasal prepositions.


6. Detached Preposition:


When a proposition does not come before its object, it is termed a detached preposition. When a preposition’s object is an interrogative pronoun or relative pronoun, the preposition is placed at the end of the phrase.

For a better understanding, consider some cases of detached prepositions below.

  1. He is the man about whom my friend is talking.
  2. Here are the pieces of jewellery that I asked for.
  3. Which of the offices was he working in?

The prepositions about and for are separated from their objects in the first two of the preceding cases due to the relative pronouns whom and that.

The interrogative pronoun ‘which’ detaches the preposition ‘in’ from its object in the third case.

As a result, all of these prepositions detach prepositions.

7. Participle Prepositions:

Participle prepositions are the present Participle forms of verbs, as their name suggests. These are used without the addition of a noun or pronoun. The following terms are distinguished as Participle prepositions:

Concerning, considering, excluding, despite, touching, awaiting, during, and so on.

In the below sentences, consider some cases of Participle prepositions

  1. Withstanding her marks, she was still not qualified for college.
  2. Touching this document, I do not have legal authority.

Both the verbs withstanding and touching are in the present Participle in the examples above, as evidenced by the ‘ING’ at the end of both words. As a result, these words are Participle prepositions.

Appropriate preposition:

Some nouns, verbs, and adjectives are followed by an appropriate class of prepositions. These prepositions are known as appropriate prepositions, without these appropriate prepositions, sentences will not make any sense.


  • I do not believe in you.

The verb believe is followed by the appropriate preposition IN.

  • We agree to participate in the event.

The verb AGREE is followed by the appropriate preposition TO.


Conjunction examples sentences

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