Abstract Nouns Definition

Abstract Nouns Definition:

A concept, quality, state, or idea that cannot be felt by the senses is referred to as an abstract noun. It stands for something that is only a concept and not something real. Abstract nouns are frequently used to describe intangible, touchable, or invisible feelings, qualities, conditions, or ideas. Love, happiness, courage, justice, freedom, truth, patience, and beauty are examples of abstract nouns. Such words are used to describe ideas or emotions that differ from person to person and are challenging to quantify.

We can convey sophisticated thoughts and feelings because of the important function that abstract nouns play in language and communication. We may discuss abstract ideas that are a part of the human experience, such as empathy, anxiety, and hope, thanks to them.

To properly comprehend the meaning of abstract nouns—as opposed to concrete nouns, which denote actual, physical objects—context and interpretation are necessary. They add to the complexity and depth of language, enabling us to convey our ideas, convictions, and ideals in nuanced and expressive ways.

Abstract noun examples:


Examples, Hate, Love, Sea, misery, Dreams, and Friendship.  


  1. His anger reached an optimum point.
  2. Honesty is the best policy.
  3. Patience is more important to achieving success.
  4. Love is not to be described in words; it can only be felt.
  5. Charity can decrease poverty.
  6. She has so much faith in herself to succeed in exams.
  7. Always speak the truth.
  8. The skin produces a sense of coldnessalmost like that of holding a frog in your hand.
  9. The beauty of friendship is very hard to ignore.
  10. Any soldier cannot fight without bravery.
  11. The love between a parent and child is unconditional and everlasting.
  12. When she received the unexpected news about her uncle’s demise, her eyes glistened with happiness.
  13. His wisdom and guidance helped many people navigate through challenging times.
  14. Honesty is the foundation of a trustworthy relationship.
  15. To leave your comfort zone and pursue your dreams requires courage.
  16. Freedom is an essential human right that recognizes worldwide and that needs to be protected and valued.
  17. Justice should be served to ensure equality and fairness in society.
  18. The vibrant shades of a sunset show off nature’s beauty.
  19. Patience is key when dealing with difficult situations or people.
  20. Even in the darkest times, hope can provide a glimmer of light and optimism.


Abstract noun meaning:

  1. Hatred is a toxic emotion that can consume individuals and create deep divisions.
  2. Love is a strong force that may bind people together and mend relationships.
  3. The sea represents vastness and the unknown, evoking a sense of awe and wonder.
  4. Misery is unhappiness or suffering, known as misery, and can be challenging to escape.
  5. Dreams are the aspirations and desires that fuel our motivation and give us a sense of purpose.
  6. Friendship is a cherished bond between individuals that provides support, trust, and companionship.
  7. Resentment is a lingering feeling of bitterness or anger towards someone or something.
  8. Devotion is a deep commitment or dedication to someone or something, often accompanied by loyalty.
  9. Solitude is the state of being alone, Solitude offers a chance for reflection and self-discovery.
  10. The capacity for empathy and understanding for others frequently results in deeds of compassion and support.
  11. Serenity is a state of calmness and tranquilly, free from stress or disturbance.
  12. Longing is a deep yearning or desire for something or someone that is unattainable or far away.
  13. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, fostering connection and understanding.
  14. A regret is a feeling of sorrow or remorse over past actions or decisions.
  15. Hope is an optimistic belief or expectation that things will improve or turn out positively.
  16. Freedom is the state of being free from constraints or limitations, allowing for self-expression and autonomy.
  17. Despair is a state of utter hopelessness and sadness, often accompanied by a sense of powerlessness.
  18. Joy is a feeling of great happiness and delight, often associated with positive experiences or achievements.
  19. Trust is a firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something.
  20. Patience is the ability to remain calm and composed in the face of delays or any uncomfortable, obstacles, or challenges.


Concrete and abstract nouns:

concrete Nouns These are things that we’ll physically, see, hear, smell, taste, and feel. They’re things that physically affect one or more of our five senses. They’re quite easy to identify, as they’re usually preceded by one of the next articles: a, an, or the.

However, there are always exceptions to the rule! Julie licked a strawberry dessert. Dessert could also be a concrete noun because, as we’ll see the color of it, we’ll taste the flavor of the strawberry, and we will feel the coldness of it on our tongues.

He sat at the table for dinner, The table could also be a concrete noun, as we’ll both see it, and feel it, as we sit right down to eat dinner. Less obvious concrete nouns are things like: heat, electricity, and air, as we are unable to determine them.
although we are affected by them physically. These are also harder to identify, as we are unable to use all of the articles before them. Heat, electricity, and air, for example, don’t sound correct and do not suit English grammar rules.

Abstract nouns are things that we cannot physically, see, hear, smell, taste, or feel, although they’re affecting our lives. Beauty, Truth, Lies, Information, Understanding, Justice, Impartiality, Dignity, Strength, Wisdom, Love, and Hatred, are all abstract nouns.

list of abstract nouns:

    • Beauty
    • Bravery
    • Brilliance
    • Brutality
    • Calmness
    • Charity
    • Coldness
    • Compassion
    • Confidence
    • Contentment
    • Courage
    • Curiosity
    • Dedication
    • Determination
    • Ego
    • Elegance
    • Enthusiasm
    • Envy
    • Evil
    • Fear
    • Generosity
    • Goodness
    • Graciousness
    • Hatred
    • Honesty
    • Honor
    • Hope
    • Humility
    • Humor
    • Insanity
    • Integrity
    • Intelligence
    • Jealousy
    • Kindness
    • Loyalty
    • Maturity
    • Patience



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