Concrete Noun Definition and examples

Concrete Noun Definition and examples:

Concrete nouns they are things that physically put on one or more of our five senses. They are quite easy to identify as they are usually preceded by one of the previous articles: a, an, or the. If one of these articles can be put to come to the word, and once spoken it sounds OK, later it is in the region of sure that an authentic noun has been found. However, there are always exceptions to the belief to be!

These are along with more hard to identify as we are unable to use the whole of the articles by now. Heat, electricity, and a feel, for example, are not hermetic true and produce consequences not taking into account English grammar rules, although we are skillful in using the article in the stomach of them.

A concrete Noun is such noun that is tangible and physical, like Books, Trees, humans, Buildings, etc. It can feel that touching or carrying these nouns also be countable.

Examples of Concrete Nouns:

  1. This is my House.
  2. When I reached my office time was 9:am clock.
  3. I love to have Apple every morning.
  4. My friend’s children are very naughty.
  5. disgruntled customers are very difficult to satisfy.
  6. Soldiers fought Bravely.
  7.  please open the door someone is belling.
  8. The guy ahead of me reclines his chair so far back into my face, it practically touches my nose
  9. many Fighters‘ planes are developing under the new generation with the most advanced technology.
  10. Many Bird species, including seven species of penguin breed inside the British Antarctic Territories.
  11. I have seen a very dangerous Truck accident, fortunately, the truck driver and other people were saved.


As the Concrete nouns are countable they have singular/plural forms areas:

Singular Plural
 House Houses
Apple Apples
Park parks
Table Tables

Types of Noun

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